Environmental management of an organization’s activities, products and services is of utmost importance to ensure continuous environmental improvement performance and a sustainable environment for generations to come. To achieve this, organizations need to manage the environment in its totality as defined in International Standards and South African legislation.
Our expertise will assist you to ensure that the total environment in which your organization operates is managed in a holistic, practical manner.
Environmental technical support services include (isolated or integrated):
- Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) & Basic Assessments (BA): A legal process which entails obtaining an Environmental Authorisation for activities listed in the EIA Regulations 2014 (as amended) listing notices 1 – 3 before development may proceed.
- Water Use Licence Applications (WULA): According to the National Water Act, there are 11 categories of water uses (Section 21 a-k) which require a general authorisation or licence prior to the commencement of the activity.
- Environmental Management Programme Reports (EMPR): A site-specific document which is used to manage a project from the pre-construction to rehabilitation stages. It provides mitigation measures for a project and assigns responsibility to project personnel.
- Environmental Compliance Audits / ECO: Audits are conducted during the construction and rehabilitation phases of a project to discern compliance with the provisions of an Environmental Authorisation and/ or Environmental Management Program.
- Environmental Legal Registers (ELR): A document that is used as part of management systems aligned with international standards e.g. ISO 14001. It is developed to assess an organisation’s level of compliance with the legislation applicable to its activities at all levels, i.e. National, provincial and local.
- Waste Management Licences (WML): According to the National Environmental Management Waste Act, a waste management activity listed in its schedule requires a waste management licence.
- Mining Permits: In terms of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act, a mining permit/ right is required prior to mining of any mineral resource, including materials from Borrow Pits/ Quarries.
- Environmental Due Diligence/ Feasibility: This assessment is conducted to establish the practicality of a proposed developed by identifying all possible legal requirements and risks a potential developer may encounter prior to entering into contractual agreements.